Hello everyone, welcome to Part 3 of our Walkthrough for An Inky Giant Squid Adventure of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery. In the previous part, the journey continued as you sought to help your giant squid find the perfect nesting spot, hoping to put an end to its troubling behavior. After discussing the situation with Penny, it became evident that the squid was struggling to adjust to its new home in the reserve. Concerned that the creature hadn’t yet found a comfortable place to settle, Penny suggested that the answer might lie in its underwater habitat.
Determined to get to the bottom of the mystery, you ventured into the depths of the Open Ocean, but not before honing your Bubble-Head Charm with Professor Flitwick’s expert guidance. The thrill of diving into the unknown was tempered by your resolve to help your giant squid feel at home once more.
As you explored the murky depths, two potential nesting spots revealed themselves: a sunken ship, full of hidden crevices but exposed to the open ocean, and a deep, shadowy trench, offering safety but fraught with potential dangers. After careful consideration, you made your choice, confident that this would bring peace to your squid.
But just as relief began to set in strange and unsettling noises echoed through the water, startling your giant friend. The tension rose as you realized that these sounds might be the true source of the creature’s distress. What could be frightening about such a massive and formidable being?
As the mystery deepens, you can’t help but wonder if these unexplained noises hold the key to understanding the squid’s behavior. The adventure is far from over, and the answers lie just beneath the surface. Stay with us as we continue to unravel this aquatic enigma.
Part 3 Summary:
- Task 1: Get Hagrid’s Advice
- Location: Hagrid’s Garden
- Requirements: 3 hours – 3/5 stars
- Choice: Anwer Hagrid
- Underwater currents: +5 Empathy
- Large predator: +5 Knowledge
- Task 2: Learn About Giant Squids
- Location: The Great Hall
- Requirements: 8 hours – 5/5 stars
- Choice: Reply to Professor Kettleburn
- Assert dominance: +5 Courage
- Leave Its territory: +10 Knowledge
- Scream loudly: +5 Courage
- Task 3: Meet With Ben
- Location: Potions Classroom
- Requirements: 3 hours – 5/5 stars
- Choice: Tell Ben if you understand why he can’t join you on the dive
- I understand: +5 Empathy
- I don’t understand: +5 Courage
- Task 4: Explore Habitat
- Location: Open Ocean Underwater
- Requirements: 8 hours – 5/5 stars
- Choice 1: Answer Ben
- That’d be great!: +5 Empathy
- That’d be disappointing: +5 Courage
- Choice 2: Tell Ben if you’re scared of that sea serpent too
- Definitely!: +5 Knowledge
- I’m not…: +5 Courage
- It’s actually mine: +5 Empathy
- Part 3 Rewards: 3 Gems
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(Disclaimer: This Walkthrough contains the gameplay from the perspective of a graduate student. Since the adventure is available for students of Year 3 and above, the star and attribute requirements for certain tasks might be different for you, depending on your current progress with the main story.)
Proceed to the Hagrid’s Garden when you are ready. Upon arriving, you’ll notice the speech bubbles above some of the characters. Tap on those if you’re curious to see what they have to say. When you arrive, you’ll see Ben and Hagrid deep in conversation. You’ll interrupt them and say that you need to talk to Hagrid urgently about your creature because something serious is happening.
You’ll explain that you and Penny investigated your giant squid’s habitat needs and found that nothing was missing, but something is definitely causing a disturbance. You’ll add that whatever it is, it has frightened your giant squid. Hagrid will find it strange that something could scare such a large and powerful creature, and he’ll want to hear more about what you’ve discovered.
To update Hagrid, you need to earn five stars within three hours. Three stars are required to pass.
Bonus progress actions are tied to Hagrid, Ben, and your character. Prioritize these actions to save some energy. Slide the screen left and right to check all available actions.
Ben will remark that he didn’t think a giant squid could be scared, to which you’ll respond that you didn’t think so either, but you and Penny saw just how terrified your squid friend was when it heard that sound. These lines will differ based on which year you attend.
Following that, you’ll ask Ben if he has any theories about what could be causing the sound that is scaring your giant squid. Ben will suggest it might be underwater currents or possibly a larger predator. Hagrid will then ask you which of Ben’s theories seems most likely to you. There are two different options to choose from. Both of them will eventually lead to the same outcome, so feel free to take your pick.
Shortly after, you’ll realize that you need the help of an expert. Hagrid will suggest Professor Kettleburn, adding that he has first-hand experience dealing with frightened giant squids. This line will differ based on your previous choice.
Go to the Great Hall to learn about giant squids. Upon arriving, you’ll notice the speech bubbles above some of the characters. Tap on those if you’re curious to see what they have to say. These lines will differ based on which year you attend.
You’ll explain that your giant squid seems to be frightened of something in its underwater habitat. This line will differ based on your previous choice.
He’ll say that it’s possible, noting that giant squids are very sensitive to movements and have a heightened sense of hearing. He’ll add that not many people know this because few understand what scares a giant squid. You’ll explain that you need his help, given his experience with frightened giant squids.
To listen to Kettleburn’s story, you need to earn five stars within eight hours. All five stars are required to pass. Since this task requires a lot of energy, it is recommended to start it with a full energy bar.
Bonus progress actions are tied to Jae, Professor Kettleburn, and your character. Prioritize these actions to save some energy. Slide the screen left and right to check all available actions.
You’ll learn that while Professor Kettleburn was on an academic research mission on the high seas, his ship inadvertently entered a giant squid’s territory. He’ll add that they made a rookie mistake; their top priority should have been to leave as soon as possible because giant squids are highly territorial creatures. He’ll explain that the giant squid initially tried to hide from them by spouting ink everywhere. However, when it realized they weren’t leaving, it became aggressive.
This line will differ based on your previous choice.
He’ll say that it’s likely another creature could be disturbing your giant squid’s habitat. He’ll add that, for now, your giant squid has been running away from it, but that fear will turn into aggression any day now. He’ll advise you to return and identify who is disturbing your giant squid before it’s too late.
However, he’ll also say that before you go, he needs to know if you’re prepared to face danger head-on. He’ll ask you what the crew and he should have done in the story he told you earlier. The correct answer is “Leave Its territory”.
He’ll then wish you luck and advise you not to go alone but to bring someone with you. You’ll thank him and say that you already have someone in mind. This line will differ based on which year you attend.
Go to the Potions Classroom to meet with Ben. Upon arriving, you’ll notice the speech bubbles above some of the characters. Tap on those if you’re curious to see what they have to say. Ben will say that, unfortunately, he can’t join you on your Open Ocean dive.
Ben will say that he would love to help, but Professor Flitwick has asked him to be today’s Duelling Club referee. You’ll tell him that this is very important and that Professor Flitwick would understand if he had to cancel.
However, Ben will insist that the Duelling Club is also important, and he has given his word to the professor, so he cannot cancel. He’ll ask if you understand why he can’t join you on your dive. There are two options to choose from. If you like Ben, it is recommended to pick the first option.
(Ben’s reactions will vary depending on which year you’re in, so some dialogues will be different.) Shortly after, you decide to ask Ben if he would listen to you as you try to convince him to join you. To convince Ben, you need to earn five stars within three hours. All five stars are required to pass. Since this task requires a lot of energy, it is recommended to start it with a full energy bar.
Bonus progress actions are tied to the Ravenclaw student, Ben, and your character. Prioritize these actions to save some energy. Slide the screen left and right to check all available actions.
In any case, Ben will realize that he cannot leave you to go there alone, as it could be very dangerous. These lines will differ based on which year you attend.
Proceed to the Open Ocean when you are ready. You mentioned your giant squid might be turning aggressive, but it looks quite calm. Some Dialogs will differ based on which year you attend.
Ben will suggest that perhaps the creature might have already left, and he’ll ask what you think about that possibility. There are two different options to choose from. These options will influence some dialogue that will follow, but they won’t impact the story.
After a while, you’ll hear the sound you’re searching for.
Ben will add that he thinks the sound is coming from beyond the kelp forest. Your giant squid will become agitated again, and it will look like it might become aggressive.
Shortly after, you will suggest that you need to find out which creature is causing the disturbance to prevent further damage.
To find a magical creature, you need to earn five stars within eight hours. All five stars are required to pass. Since this task requires a lot of energy, it is recommended to start it with a full energy bar.
Bonus progress actions are tied to the algae, the sunken ship, and Ben. Prioritize these actions to save some energy.
The creature making those sounds turns out to be your sea serpent.
You’ll comment that you understand why your giant squid is afraid of the sea serpent, as it’s an exceptionally large creature. Following that, Ben will ask if you’re afraid of the sea serpent as well. There are three different options to choose from. These options will influence some dialogue that will follow, but they won’t impact the story.
Ben will say that your giant squid is starting to behave aggressively. You’ll acknowledge this, adding that it seems the sea serpent is using the kelp forest as a pathway, and your giant squid can hear it as it passes through. However, you’ll explain that you don’t want to exile the sea serpent, as the Creature Reserve is its home too.
This will mark the end of Part 3 of An Inky Giant Squid Adventure. Hit the Collect button to claim your reward. You will receive 3 Gems.
The goal is to create a solution that respects the needs and territories of both the giant squid and the sea serpent. Can you find a way to peacefully manage their interactions and ensure their mutual comfort in the Creature Reserve? Stay tuned to discover how you might achieve harmony in this intricate balance of magical creatures.
Big greetings from the Hogwarts Cafe team! Thank you for joining us on this magical journey. We hope you continue to enjoy the adventures and mysteries that await in the world of Hogwarts.
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