Call for Papers - IEEE CASE 2024 (2024)

The 2024 IEEE 20th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2024) is one of the three flagship conferences of the IEEE Robotics & Automation Society and provides a primary forum for cross-industry multidisciplinary research in automation.

IEEE CASE 2024 invites special session and workshop proposals, regular papers, industry papers and presentation-only papers related to the conference topics, which include but are not limited to:

  • Human-centered automation
  • Automation in life science
  • Sustainability and green automation
  • Automation in agriculture and horticulture
  • Automation sciences for pandemics
  • Healthcare automation
  • Smart building and construction
  • Knowledge-based automation
  • Manufacturing automation
  • Cloud-based automation
  • Big data, data mining and machine learning
  • Privacy and security in automation

Download the Call for Papers in PDF!

Great opportunity for T-ASE, T-RO, RA-L and RAM authors to attend CASE 2024!

If you have published (authored or co-authored) a paper in one of the IEEE Robotics & Automation Society journals you have the possibility to present your work at CASE 2024. Discover more below!

Important Information

Author Registration: CASE 2024 conference policy requires that at least one author of your paper (from any of the categories listed below) is registered for the conference prior to final paper upload. The registered author must have a full registration, either in person or virtually.

Student registrations are NOT valid for paper presentation.

Please refer to theregistration pagefor more details on the pricing.

Submission categories

Authors are invited to submit their research contributions that may include regular papers, special session papers, special session abstracts, industry papers and presentation-only papers. Please refer to the specific section below for the detailed instructions. If you want to propose a Special Session or a Workshop/Tutorial, please visit the Special Session Submission page or the Workshop / Tutorial Proposal Submission page.

Regular Papers

Regular papers related to the conference topics can be submitted following the instructions below. The number of pages (including text, figures, tables, acknowledgement and references) is limited tosix, buttwoadditionalpages will bepermitted at anextra page charge.Regular papers exceeding 8 pages will be returned without review.

All papers must be submitted in PDF and must follow the standard IEEE conference double column format. Please refer to the guidelines below for templates and additional requirements.

All accepted regular papers will be included in the conference program and published in IEEE Xplore.

Regular paper submission deadline: March 1, 2024 (Extended to March 25, 2024 – no further extension will be given).

How to submit a regular paper

To submit your regular papers please follow these steps:

  • 1. Create an account (if you don’t have one already) on the RAS Papercept submission portal. Generate a PIN by clicking on the “PIN” tab, and then select “Register a new PIN.” Kindly request all your co-authors to follow the same process if they don’t have an account in the system yet. Make sure to note down the authors’ PINs as this information is necessary for manuscript processing.

  • 2. Download the LaTeX or MS-Word template from the guidelines provided below. Utilize these templates and adhere to the specified requirements to write your paper. After completing your paper, save it in PDF format.

  • 3. Access the Papercept submission portal and click the link “Submit a contribution to CASE 2024”.

  • 4. Click on “Regular Paper” and follow the submission instructions provided on the submission portal (make sure to enter all co-authors’ PINs created in Step 1).

Special Session Papers

Special session papers are distinct from regular papers because they are tailored to the specific topic of a special session. Special session papers undergo the same review and selection process as regular papers but are grouped together within the special session to create a cohesive program. In case a special session receives less than 4 accepted papers, those papers may be assigned to or combined with another special or regular session.

After a special session is approved it will be published in this website. Authors intending to submit papers for a specific special session should obtain the session code from the session organizer(s) or find the code here. This code will link the paper to the intended special session.

The number of pages (including text, figures, tables, acknowledgement and references) is limited tosix, buttwoadditionalpages will bepermitted at anextra page charge.Special session papers exceeding 8 pages will be returned without review.

All papers must be submitted in PDF and must follow the standard IEEE conference double column format. Please refer to the guidelines below for templates and additional requirements.

Special session papers will be included in the conference program and published in IEEE Xplore.

Note that there is a “Special Session Presentation-Only Abstract” option. In this case only atwo-pageabstract is required. Please refer to the instruction in the section below.

Special session paper submission deadline: March 1, 2024 (Extended to March 25, 2024 – no further extension will be given).

How to submit a special session paper

To submit your special session paper please follow these steps:

  • 1. Create an account (if you don’t have one already) on the RAS Papercept submission portal. Generate a PIN by clicking on the “PIN” tab, and then select “Register a new PIN.” Kindly request all your co-authors to follow the same process if they don’t have an account in the system yet. Make sure to note down the authors’ PINs as this information is necessary for manuscript processing.

  • 2. Download the LaTeX or MS-Word template from the guidelines provided below. Utilize these templates and adhere to the specified requirements to write your paper. After completing your paper, save it in PDF format.

  • 3. Obtain the special session code from the session organizer(s) or find it here.

  • 4. Access the Papercept submission portal and click the link “Submit a contribution to CASE 2024”.

  • 5. Click on “Special Session Paper” and follow the submission instructions provided on the submission portal, indicating the special session code.

Special Session Presentation-only Abstracts

Please note that there is a “Special Session Presentation-Only Abstract” option. The number of pages (including text, figures, tables, acknowledgement and references) is limited totwo.Abstract exceeding 2 pages will be returned without review.

All papers must be submitted in PDF and must follow the standard IEEE conference double column format. Please refer to the guidelines below for templates and additional requirements.

Accepted abstracts will make oral presentations at the conference, but they will NOT appear in IEEE Xplore and thus will NOT be indexed on platforms like Scopus.

Special Session Presentation-Only Abstract: April 1, 2024 (Extended to May 15, 2024)

How to submit a special session abstract

To submit your special session paper please follow these steps:

  • 1. Create an account (if you don’t have one already) on the RAS Papercept submission portal. Generate a PIN by clicking on the “PIN” tab, and then select “Register a new PIN.” Kindly request all your co-authors to follow the same process if they don’t have an account in the system yet. Make sure to note down the authors’ PINs as this information is necessary for manuscript processing.

  • 2. Download the LaTeX or MS-Word template from the guidelines provided below. Utilize these templates and adhere to the specified requirements to write your paper. After completing your paper, save it in PDF format.

  • 3. Obtain the special session code from the session organizer(s) or find it here.

  • 4. Access the Papercept submission portal and click the link “Submit a contribution to CASE 2024”.

  • 5. Click on “Special Session Abstract” and follow the submission instructions provided on the submission portal, indicating the special session code.

Work-in-progress and Industry Presentation-only Papers

This category is especially for late-breaking results or industry submissions. For Industrial Papers at least one of the authors must be from the industry. The number of pages (including text, figures, tables, acknowledgement and references) is limited tofour.Work-in-progress and industry presentation-only papers exceeding 4 pages will be returned without review.

All papers must be submitted in PDF and must follow the standard IEEE conference double column format. Please refer to the guidelines below for templates and additional requirements.

Presentation-only Papers will make oral presentations at the conference, but they will NOT appear in IEEE Xplore and thus will NOT be indexed on platforms like Scopus.

Industry paper and work-in-progress paper submission deadline: April 1, 2024 (Extended to April 15, 2024)

How to submit a work-in-progress or industry presentation-only paper

To submit your work-in-progress or industry presentation-only paper please follow these steps:

  • 1. Create an account (if you don’t have one already) on the RAS Papercept submission portal. Generate a PIN by clicking on the “PIN” tab, and then select “Register a new PIN.” Kindly request all your co-authors to follow the same process if they don’t have an account in the system yet. Make sure to note down the authors’ PINs as this information is necessary for manuscript processing.

  • 2. Download the LaTeX or MS-Word template from the guidelines provided below. Utilize these templates and adhere to the specified requirements to write your paper. After completing your paper, save it in PDF format.

  • 3. Access the Papercept submission portal and click the link “Submit a contribution to CASE 2024”.

  • 4. Click on “Work-in-progress and Industry Presentation-only Papers” and follow the submission instructions provided on the submission portal.

Work-in-progress and Industry Presentation-only Special Session Papers

These paper are distinct from standard Work-in-progress and Industry papers because they are tailored to the specific topic of a special session.

This category is especially for late-breaking results or industry submissions. For Industrial Papers at least one of the authors must be from the industry. The number of pages (including text, figures, tables, acknowledgement and references) is limited tofour.Work-in-progress and industry presentation-only papers exceeding 4 pages will be returned without review.

After a special session is approved it will be published in this website. Authors intending to submit papers for a specific special session should obtain the session code from the session organizer(s) or find the code here. This code will link the paper to the intended special session.

All papers must be submitted in PDF and must follow the standard IEEE conference double column format. Please refer to the guidelines below for templates and additional requirements.

Presentation-only Papers will make oral presentations at the conference, but they will NOT appear in IEEE Xplore and thus will NOT be indexed on platforms like Scopus.

Industry paper and work-in-progress special session paper submission deadline: April 1, 2024 (Extended to April 15, 2024)

How to submit a work-in-progress or industry presentation-only special session paper

To submit your work-in-progress or industry presentation-only special session paper please follow these steps:

  • 1. Create an account (if you don’t have one already) on the RAS Papercept submission portal. Generate a PIN by clicking on the “PIN” tab, and then select “Register a new PIN.” Kindly request all your co-authors to follow the same process if they don’t have an account in the system yet. Make sure to note down the authors’ PINs as this information is necessary for manuscript processing.

  • 2. Download the LaTeX or MS-Word template from the guidelines provided below. Utilize these templates and adhere to the specified requirements to write your paper. After completing your paper, save it in PDF format.

  • 3. Obtain the special session code from the session organizer(s) or find it here.

  • 4. Access the Papercept submission portal and click the link “Submit a contribution to CASE 2024”.

  • 5. Click on “Work-in-progress and Industry Presentation-only Papers for Special Sessions” and follow the submission instructions provided on the submission portal, indicating the special session code.

T-ASE, T-RO, RA-L and RAM Presentation-only Papers

If you have published (authored or co-authored) a paper in one of the IEEE Robotics & Automation Society journals you have the possibility to present your work at CASE 2024. The eligible journals are:

  • IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (T-ASE) papers (excluding evolved papers, survey papers, or communication items)

  • IEEE Transactions on Robotics (T-RO) papers (excluding evolved papers, survey papers, or communication items)

  • IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) papers (excluding survey papers)

  • IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine (RAM) papers

You will submit your paper as a “Presentation-only paper” with no further review. By doing this, your research can reach a much broader audience in a timely fashion and receive more feedback.

Download the T-ASE Call for Papers in PDF!

Download the T-RO Call for Papers in PDF!

Download the RA-L Call for Papers in PDF!

Download the RAM Call for Papers in PDF!

T-ASE, T-RO, RA-L and RAM Presentation-only Papers will make oral presentations at the conference, but they will NOT appear in IEEE Xplore and thus will NOT be indexed on platforms like Scopus.

Only theoriginal paperabstractis required. You should also include the full journal paper and the citation details, plus DOI.

To be eligible for presentation at CASE 2024, your paper must be transferred between August 1, 2023, and April 30, 2024. The paper must be transferred within 270 days of acceptance. Authors may not request any acceleration or delay of the review process based on these time windows. Authors will receive an email notification regarding the journal paper transfer process, and they may select the conference at which they wish to present their work. Please note that eligible papers may only be presented at one conference.

RA-L, T-RO, RAM, T-ASE presentation-only submission deadline: April 30, 2024

How to submit a T-ASE presentation-only paper (code: 83y21)

To submit your T-ASE article to CASE 2024 please follow the instructions that you will receive via email after acceptance of your journal article, then:

  • 1. Create an account (if you don’t have one already) on the RAS Papercept submission portal. Generate a PIN by clicking on the “PIN” tab, and then selecting “Register a new PIN.” Kindly request all your co-authors to follow the same process if they don’t have an account in the system yet. Make sure to note down the authors’ PINs as this information is necessary for manuscript processing.

  • 4. Access the Papercept submission portal and click the link “Submit a contribution to CASE 2024”.

  • 5. Click on “T-ASE Submission” and follow the submission instructions provided on the submission portal, indicating the code 83y21. Note that during this step, you should upload the PDF of your journal paper without editing it and keeping T-ASE margins and template.

How to submit a RA-L, T-RO, RAM presentation-only paper

To submit your T-RO, RA-L and RAM article to CASE 2024 please follow the instructions you will receive via email after acceptance of your journal article. Note that you will not receive any further reminders to transfer the accepted paper to a conference. However, the invitation to present the paper to a conference is in the journal workspace in PaperCept.

If you intend to submit a T-ASE, T-RO, RA-L, or RAM paper to a special session, please follow the standard submission procedure described above. Once you have completed the submission to the journal, please notify us at, explicitly stating your desire to be considered for presentation within a specific special session.

Additional information

Review process

The IEEE RAS Conference Editorial Board (CEB) is responsible for handling the review process for the CASE. The CEB consists of an Editor-in-Chief, approximately seven Editors, and approximately 78 Associate Editors.

Interested in Participating as a Reviewer or Editor? More info is available here.

Papers submitted to the IEEE CASE follow a single-blinded review system. Thus, the identities of the authors are known to the reviewers, but the identities of the reviewers are not disclosed to the authors. Authors do not need to anonymize the names of the authors when submitting their papers.

CC BY license

Authors who require a cc by license (such as researchers funded by UKRI): If you require a CC BY license for your paper, please follow the guidelines described under option 2 on the following website:

Guidelines for Language, Margins, Formats & Templates

All papers submitted to CASE 2024 must be written in English and formatted in the standard IEEE 2-column format. Authors should prepare their papersbased on theLaTextemplate orMicrosoft Word template. Only PDF files will be accepted. Please download the templates from here:



Further information of how to use thetemplates are available on the Papercept submission portal for LaTex orMicrosoft Word.

Note: Authors are responsible for submitting their paper in the required format. Please do not modify the official templates! All papers that are accepted will be published as submitted by the Author. The Conference is not responsible for editing or correcting errors in the paper.


All submissions will be tested for similarity and overlap with prior published material using the iThenticate tool. In case of possible violations of the IEEE ethics rules in publishing, the case will be investigated.

Generative AI language tools (e.g., ChatGPT) for publishing and reviews in IEEE CASE conferences

Notes for authors:

Please note that manuscripts generated by generative AI language tools such as ChatGPT are prohibited. If such AI tools generate a small portion of the manuscript, a full reference must be provided. Nevertheless, if generative AI language tools generate inappropriate language, plagiarized content, errors, mistakes, incorrect references, or misleading content, and these contents are included in the manuscript, the responsibility rests entirely on you and the co-author(s).

Generative AI language tools cannot be listed as an author.

Generative AI language tools may be used for light-editing of the author’s original text, such as for spelling and grammar corrections. Authors need to acknowledge such editorial use in the acknowledgement section.

Notes for reviewers:

IEEE has the responsibility to safeguard all the content of any paper submitted to its conferences, e.g. CASE. CASE has the responsibility for safeguarding the integrity of the paper review process. Therefore, any reviewer uploading any content from a paper submitted to a CASE conference to a generative AI language tool is strictly forbidden.

Use of a generative AI language tool for editing your review outcome is also strictly forbidden.

How to create a IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF

Authors can use PDF eXpress to create or check that manuscripts are IEEE Xplore-compatible PDFs. IEEE PDF eXpress is a free service allowing authors to make IEEE Xplore-compatible PDFs (Conversion function) or to check PDFs that authors have made themselves for IEEE Xplore compatibility (PDF Check function).

Instruction for first-time users:

  1. Log in to the IEEE PDF eXpress site
  2. Create your PDF eXpress Account: Select the New Users – Click Here link.
  3. Enter the following:
    • 59546X for the Conference ID
    • your email address
    • a password

Previous users of PDF eXpress need to follow the above steps, but should enter the same password that was used for previous conferences.

Call for Papers - IEEE CASE 2024 (2024)


What is the acceptance rate for the IEEE case conference? ›

Welcome to IEEE CASE 08! This year, 291 papers were submitted to the conference, and 170 papers were accepted after a rigorous peer review process (acceptance rate 58.4%).

How long are IEEE conference papers? ›

Brief or short paper: Summary of your research (less than 4 pages) Full paper: Complete paper describing your research in full (6-8 pages)

How to get IEEE sponsorship for conference? ›

At least one sponsor of an IEEE conference must be an IEEE organizational unit or an IEEE society, region, section, chapter, council, or committee. Not-for-profit, non-IEEE entities (association, society, university, etc.) may also serve as sponsors of IEEE conferences.

What is the page limit for IEEE conference paper? ›

The maximum length is typically 10 pages for Papers, 15 pages for Surveys, and 6 pages for Letters. The manuscript should be written in single-spaced, two-column, standard IEEE format.

What is the acceptance rate for the IEEE Conference? ›

The 20th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud, and Internet Computing (CCGrid 2020) program contains 66 high-quality technical papers selected from 234 submissions from 48 different countries (28.2% acceptance rate).

Is IEEE paper prestigious? ›

In addition, IEEE journals and conference proceedings receive approximately three times the patent citations of competing publishers, giving IEEE authors a distinct mark of credibility within their field of interest.

How hard is it to get a paper published in IEEE? ›

IEEE Access has a typical acceptance rate of about 30%, which is comparable to other IEEE journals. Learn more about rapid peer review. Detailed below are the stages of peer review after article submission.

Do conferences give notification of rejection? ›

Yes, conferences typically inform authors about their paper's status through digital channels, detailing acceptance, rejection, or revisions. Understanding this process, including timing, content, and follow-up opportunities, helps authors navigate and improve future submissions effectively.

Where is the IEEE conference 2025? ›

2025 IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IEEE CAI)

Plan now to attend this highly anticipated spectacular event, taking place May 5-7, 2025 in Santa Clara, CA.

How many people attend IEEE conferences? ›

Sponsors more than 1,900 conferences in 103 countries while: Partnering with more than 1,400 non-IEEE entities globally. Attracting more than 547,000 conference attendees.

How much does it cost to sponsor a conference? ›

Conference sponsorship costs vary widely depending on the sponsorship level. Mid-range packages range from a few thousand to tens of thousands, while premium tiers can reach hundreds of thousands.

How long does it take for IEEE conference paper to be published? ›

Conference proceedings appear in IEEE Xplore approximately 30 to 60 days following receipt of the content by IEEE. Please note that conference proceedings often arrive at IEEE several weeks after the conference date.

How much similarity is allowed in IEEE papers? ›

IEEE recommends a 30% similarity threshold to identify submissions that should be reviewed for possible problems. Submissions that exceed 30% similarity will generate an email alert from CrossCheck (or the vendor's submission system) and will be sent to the publications volunteer and the IPR Office.

What is the acceptance ratio for IEEE? ›

IEEE Access has an average acceptance rate of 30%, which is comparable to traditional IEEE journals. IEEE Access strives to uphold a high-quality, rigorous peer review process above all else.

What is the acceptance rate for IEEE transactions? ›

Only the highest-quality papers are considered for publication. As such, the acceptance rates are generally between 15 and 20 percent. Authors should consider this high standard for quality before submitting their manuscripts.

What is the acceptance rate for IEEE access? ›

IEEE Access has a typical acceptance rate of about 30%, which is comparable to other IEEE journals. Learn more about rapid peer review.

What is the acceptance rate for the IEEE ICC? ›

After a rigorous review process, 962 papers were accepted, thus yielding an acceptance rate of 38.03%. The geographic breakdown of the authors of the accepted papers is as follows: 49.7% from Asia-Pacific, 27.2% from Europe, Middle-East and Africa (EMEA), and the rest from Americas.


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Article information

Author: Nathanael Baumbach

Last Updated:

Views: 5575

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (55 voted)

Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.